Dessalines Day in Haiti
Today is “Dessalines Day” in Haiti and the Haitians have chosen this day to protest the corruption of their government. Dessalines Day commemorates the day in 1804 when Jean-Jacques Dessalines declared independence and restored the country’s native name. It commemorates ancestors and other loved ones who have died fighting for freedom. After the earthquake in …
Operation Medical Sends a Team to Hospital Pierre Payan on October 13, 2018
On October 12, 2018 a team of 23 volunteers lead by Dr. Scott Barnes, will be starting their journey to Hospital Pierre Payen, in Montrouis, Haiti for a two-week medical/surgical camp. This will be Operation Medical’s FIFTH trip to Hospital Pierre Payen. Our team of surgeons, anesthesiologist, nurses and ancillary personnel from California, New York, …
09/24/18 & 09/25/18 – Tuesday & Wednesday – Meet the Commandant
We are combining these two days into one post due to technology challenges the last few days. Facebook access is blocked at the hospital and WiFi access/speed at our place of lodging is weak at best. Our team is healthy and working together “like a well-oiled machine”. The staff at Rwanda Military Hospital has extended …
09/24/18 – Monday in Rwanda – Full Steam Ahead
The 2018 Rwanda Mission Team arrived safely in Kigali in various groups from Friday, September 21st through late Sunday, September 23rd. The majority of the team was able to visit the Rwanda Military Hospital on Sunday morning to get a look at the facilities and to screen patients. The Rwanda Military Hospital is laid out …
Operation Medical Heads for Kigali, Rwanda – Overview of HealthCare
An Overview of Healthcare and Surgical Care in Rwanda By Isita Tripathi With 11.92 million people, Rwanda is the smallest country in East Africa (7). However, its investment in social welfare and healthcare placed Rwanda as one of the few African countries predicted to achieve the Millennium Development Goals in 2015 (2). Public healthcare services …
08/26/18: Zooming in the Lense
The 2018 Operation Medical surgery camp will take place at Rwanda Military Hospital (RMH) which was built in 1968 at Kanombe, a Kigali suburb, as a Military Referral Hospital. It continued to provide health care services to the military and their immediate families until after the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi when doors were opened …
08/19/18: A Closer Look
The 2018 Rwanda Surgical Mission Camp will take place in the modern capital city of Rwanda called Kigali. The city spans several ridges and valleys with lush hillsides, flowering trees, winding boulevards and bustling streets. It is arguably one of the most attractive capital cities in Africa, as well as easily one of the cleanest …
08/10/18 – A Bird’s Eye View – Rwanda
In 6 weeks, 31 volunteers from Operation Medical will travel to Rwanda, Africa on a mission. Today we introduce Rwanda, known as “the land of a thousand hills’’ which is situated in the heart of the African Continent. Rwanda is bordered by Uganda to the north, Tanzania to the east, Burundi to the south and …
An Ounce of Prevention is Worth More than a Pound of Cure
In the coming weeks, Operation Medical is sending volunteers to both Haiti and Rwanda. Preparing and packing for travel to tropical and other destinations is much more than “what to wear?”. At Operation Medical we take the safety of our volunteers seriously including personal health and disease prevention. Bugs (including mosquitoes, ticks, and some flies) …