You’re Invited to the Launch Party for Operation Medical!

Learn About Our Mission and How You Can Get Involved.
Presentation by Dr. Mukul Parikh, President – 7:00 pm

When: November 13, 2013 – 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Where: Clarion Hotel, 148 Sheridon Dr., New Cumberland

Heavy Hors d’oeuvres | Cash Bar | Informal Reception

RSVP to or call 717-685-9199 by November 6, 2013

Operation Medical Board Members:Dr. Kenneth Arthur; Jewel Cooper; Diana Davidson, CRNA ; Carol Donohue, RN; Rise’ Enoch; Mary Jensik, CPA; Dr. John Judson; Lisa Lewis, RN; Sheri Matter, RN; Meera Modi, Esq.; KD Patel; Dr. Mukul Parikh; Cheryl Peck

Advisorary Board:Connie Corrigan, RN; Dr. Baker Henson; Kiran Patel

Volunteers:Beverly Flowers, RN; Chip Goodhart, CRNA; Dr. Neelima Parikh; Sue Miller, CRNA

Operation Medical is a project of The Foundation for Enhancing Communities, fiscal sponsor. 44 Hersha Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17102, 717-685-9199


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