On Thursday, October 26, 2017 Dr. John Reidell operated on a 57 year old albino man from St. Mark. Dr. Reidell removed several malignant melanoma skin lesions from the man that were on his back, face, head, and arm. This man’s ear also had very bad skin lesions and the surgeons felt that the ear should be removed; however, they felt that this procedure required reconstruction and should be performed by a plastic surgeon. With the lack of specialized medical care in Haiti, this condition is probably untreatable.

Our patient has 2 brothers and 2 sisters, is married and has a daughter and is the only albino in the family. He came with a folder that included photos of his wife and his daughter and her husband. He was so proud of his family and wanted to show their pictures to everyone. He asked that we take a photo of him holding the photos.

He previously sold goods in the market but now because of the sun he does not work in the market anymore.

He heard about Operation Medical being at Pierre Payan Hospital on the radio and feels that being treated by the doctors is “beautiful” and “Gods will”. When he left the operating room he looked at Charmaine Garner and said “God Bless You” in english. It made Charmaine feel “God bless this man who has a family and a child and has dealt with being different within this culture.

He said he needed sun screen and couldn’t afford any. ALL of the mission participants very eagerly donated their sun screen to this absolutely pleasant and extremely grateful man. He was so thankful that we helped him and gave him the sun screen.


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