As ‘they’ say….”The Show Must Go On.” Who are ‘they’ anyway……

Yesterday we reported that three of our team members were under the weather. To update this information, those three people are feeling a bit better, however about half of the team has succumbed to illness and were either unable to work today or tried to work and had to return to the hotel to bed. They are suffering from severe nausea and vomitting along with chills and GI distress. All but two of our anesthesia team is sick, three of our surgeons, six nurses, and one support staff are resting. We sent two nurses back to the hotel at lunch today to check on our friends and give some IV fluids. We would appreciate good thoughts and prayers for quick recoveries (and we certianly feel they will all be fine by tomorrow).

In the meantime, the show does go on here at the hospital. Pinch hitting, and with the support of local hospital staff, the Operating Theaters are busy with cases today. Spirits are strong and we are a determined lot. We are grateful for the support of everyone here and our friends and family at home.

More on our adventure to follow. Please be sure to check Facebook for photos today!


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