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Kyle Packer

We were fortunate to have Kyle Packer with us last year in Panna, India and he is returning to Operation Medical for a ‘second tour of duty’ in 13 days as we head to Valsad, India. Kyle has made York, PA his home for about 6 years and is a 4th year Surgical Resident at Memorial Hospital and Holy Spirit Hospital. He enjoys mission work and feels, “he is improving the quality of life for those less fortunate.” He has fond memories of his first trip – the many smiles and thank-you’s and told me that is was a terrific experience for him.

He shared this photograph with us — from left to right meet Nick (the horse), his fiancée, Laura and Nick. While the couple will marry in August, 2017, apparently, Nick the horse is Laura’s first love, but Kyle is learning to live with that. We want to know if Nick is going to be part of the wedding party!!

Welcome back Kyle!!!


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