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January 3, 2016 Carol McAnulty

Carol McAnulty loves mission trips. While in the Air Force, she served as a flight nurse and was deployed to Afghanistan. Since then she participated in 2 mission trips, one to Haiti and another to Malawi. This will be her first trip to India and she is really looking forward to working with the team there.

She is a full time Certified Nurse Anesthetist at Carlisle Regional Medical Center. She and her husband moved to Carlisle 21 years ago, and they both enjoy gardening and cooking. Pet lovers, they have 2 dogs, 4 cats and a pond full of koi. They moved to Carlisle 21 years ago where they built an earth sheltered home on a mountainside in north of Carlisle which her husband designed.

Operation Medical is grateful to have Carol on the mission. Welcome Carol!!!


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